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L2 Interneurons
A selection of all L2 interneurons that have more than 800 incoming excitatory synapses
Excitatory/Inhibitory Synapses (Volumetric)
Incoming inhibitory (red) or excitatory (green) synapses, rendered over transparent neurons.
Cortical Layers
Layers 1-6 and white matter
Reconstructed Whorl
A whorl whose axon can be traced all the way back to the source cell.
6-Class Subcompartments
Volumetric labels for soma, axon, dendrite, astrocyte, axon initial segment, and cilia
Axon Whorl
Unique whorled axon that makes multiple florets and synapses on soma and dendritic shafts of spiny neurons
Blood Vessels *
Vasculature within the tissue rendered in 3D
Chandelier Cell
A chandelier cell and some of the pyramidal neurons it inhibits
Compartmentalized Fibrous Object
Conjoint Whorls
Dendrite inside soma
A dendrite from one cell tunneling through the soma of another
Egg-like Process
Egg shaped object with no associated processes.
Excitatory/Inhibitory Synapses (Point)
Incoming excitatory (yellow) and inhibitory (blue) synapses, rendered as point annotations
Fibrous Object
Unidentified object filled with fibrous substance.
Interacting Climbing Dendrites
Two dendrites from separate axons running in parallel, side-by-side
L4 Cell Bodies *
Layer 4 pyramidal neurons in red and the cells they are connected to (cell bodies only)
Multiple Membranous Rings
Myelinated object with multiple membranous rings.
Whorled Myelin
A loosely coiled bundle of myelin
Dual Myelinated Structures
Myelinated axon filled with unidentified substance
Myelinated Debris
Myelinated object filled with small debris.
Myelinated Dendrite (Gray)
A myelinated dendritic trunk appearing in gray matter
Myelinated Dendrite (White)
A myelinated dendritic trunk appearing in white matter
"Parasitic" Glial Cells
Many glial cells appear "glued" to onto large pyramidal cells, with many appearing right next to somas. More examples can be found in Neuroglancer via the "c-shaped" tag.
Unexplained Whorled Substance
A neuron with unusual propensity for self-contact (Credit: Rachael Han)
Serial Contact
An axon making repeated connections onto a dendrite
Engulfed Soma
A soma engulfed by another neuron's dendritic process
Spherical Structures
Unidentified object filled with small spherical structures.
Swollen Dendritic Spine
Swollen dendritic spine containing 150 intramembranous objects (segmented manually).
Neuron With Two Axons
Both make outgoing synapses within the volume.
Wandering Whorled Axon
Whorled axon that makes inhibitory synapses on cell soma and dendritic shafts.
Whorls Within Nucleus
Whorls within the soma surrounding a cell nucleus.
Soma Wrapping Around Blood Vessel
Unusually shaped pyramidal cell that appears to be wrapped around a nearby blood vessesl.
Wrapped Synapse
Synapse wrapped by astrocytic processes